Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yellowstone Part Deux

Here are some more little snippets of our time at the park... Feast your eyes upon these beauties!

We were able to get up close and personal with some of these beasts... Most of the information that we got at the entrance warned against angering the bison and getting gored. Yikes. However, I found them to be quite docile and, dare I say, cuddly-looking? They were really fun to look at at first, but toward the end of the day we were a little tired of them acting like they owned the place... Stopping in the middle of the road in huge herds and staring at us blankly when we politely asked them to move. Rude. Case in point....

Bison Blockade from Alyssa Rose on Vimeo.

Sorry about the brief PDA. It was our honeymoon, after all. Also, Jordan is dreamy. Moving on...

When we were heading out on our way and leaving Yellowstone the next day, we had one of the coolest wildlife experiences. Driving along, we saw some bighorn sheep (rams?) climbing the rocks, and we quickly pulled off the side of the road to get some pictures and video.

Yellowstone ram sighting from Alyssa Rose on Vimeo.

How cool is that!? We were a little bummed that we had such limited time to spend here, but we had to get moving to get to our next destination in time... Mount Rushmore! More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA Loved your bison video. Oh how it made me miss you. You two are just as precious as can be.
